Your gift will give kids their parents back.

Family is complicated. Addiction makes it more complicated. There aren’t easy solutions but decades of research studying rehab and foster care show that separating families isn’t working.

We need your help to build a new option, based on evidence that families heal best together.

Gifts for Bluestem over $250 are eligible for a 25% Colorado Enterprise Zone Contribution Tax Credit.

Campaign Goal: $6,240,720

Amount Raised: $4,000,000

Bluestem Launch Date: July 2025

Savio has embarked on an ambitious $6.2 million campaign to fund the launch of the Bluestem Program at the Schlessman Family Campus.

This campaign will build 6 townhomes for families, a playground, on-site parking, a building for staff to provide 24-hour supervision, a safe space for children if they ever need it, and 1 year of evidence-based programming.

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