There’s no place like home.

Each family will live in their own 3-bedroom townhome in Lakewood, Colorado. Families will cook their favorite meals, read together at bedtime, take care of each other when they are sick, navigate conflict— all with the support and security of trained therapists next door.

After treatment ends, Savio will ensure families transition to stable, long-term housing so they can continue healing together.

  • The name Bluestem is inspired by a grass native to Colorado, called Little Bluestem. 

    The grass grows best in clusters and is known for its resilience to harsh conditions like drought, poor soil, and extreme temperatures. It is adaptive to periodic fire, which actually rejuvenates its growth. And when Little Bluestem has what it needs, it’s very low maintenance and it plays a key role in its ecosystem. 

    We think Bluestem perfectly describes the vision for this program. In our daily work, we see that children and parents do better in clusters— when each family member feels connected, and safe and like they belong.   

    The families who will live here are resilient to all kinds of external crises— they are capable of weathering intense storms and with the right help, emerging stronger on the other side.  

    When they have the resources they need, we see that strong families stabilize whole communities— preventing the erosion that abuse and neglect cause. Those strong families become safe spaces for others to land.  

    And, we know that families here won’t need our support forever— when they get the treatment, skills, and healing they need here, they become self-sufficient. 

  • The Bluestem Program will be for families with at least one adult whose addiction has led to contact with Child Welfare. Without intervention, they will be at risk of losing their child(ren). Bluestem will be an excellent fit for families with unstable housing.

  • Savio will have trained staff onsite 24/7 to provide support and respond to crises, as needed. Focusing on six families at a time will allow staff to become intimately familiar with each family’s daily rhythms, enabling them to quickly identify when there may be a safety concern.

    Each family’s Child Welfare case manager will remain apprised of the family’s progress. Additionally,

    Savio’s long-term, established relationships with Jefferson and Arapahoe County departments of human services will provide a safety net of support should a family’s status devolve and necessitate emergency removal of a child.

  • It can be really difficult to translate lessons learned in rehab back to “normal life.” Many people in recovery get tripped up when they leave treatment and are immediately confronted with the stressors of kids and work and home.

    For partners and kids, living in a home is much less stressful than living in an institution. Reducing stress is an important factor to stabilizing families and achieving long term positive outcomes.

    The goal is to mimic normal life as much as possible, so families can continue practicing the skills they learned in treatment, naturally.

  • Savio thinks of Bluestem as a pilot. Starting small in Lakewood gives us the chance to test and prove the model. Ultimately, we hope to see programs like this in every community across Colorado.

  • Across all our programs, Savio begins planning for discharge as soon as a family begins treatment— Bluestem is no different.

    Given the intense needs of families, we anticipate they will participate in Bluestem for about a year. During that time, families will improve their relationships and coping skills, as well as establish a network of support, ranging from employment to food resources. Savio will partner with housing programs to ensure that every family has a stable, long term home after Bluestem.

    Then, families will continue receiving support from Savio. This aftercare may last anywhere from 2 months to 2 years, depending on the family’s unique needs.

  • Not yet. The townhomes are under construction and are anticipated to be ready for families to move in Summer 2025.

    In the meantime, please reach out to share why this Bluestem matters to you.

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